Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Well, it's been a while..... 

For those of you that were following, you know that it's been a few months since any posts have been made to this website. Ok..... It's been more than a few months.

But, after much suffering, I've finally decided to make a comeback. As with all artistic and expressive outlets, sometimes you just need a break to appreciate what you've been missing. Not to be undone or left behind, I thought it was time to evolve and offer a second form of media by which to entertain my one, possibly two fans. So with that in mind, the KneeBar Reactions MMA Podcast was born. 

Now before the army of keyboard warriors jump down my throat with their never ending supply of insults and criticisms, let me assure you that I make no allusions to being interesting, well spoken, entertaining, or a professional in any way. This podcast if very much the work of two unimportant MMA know-it-alls who really have no business recording themselves. That being said, dreams are made from less. So using one haphazardly held up microphone, a four year old windows desktop, and sheer will, a podcast was made. 

Please be gentle in your analysis, but all constructive criticism is welcome.

Also, I have no idea how to publish a podcast or create an RSS feed so I'm basically learning as I go.  Any assistance or tips would be greatly appreciated.

-Please excuse the less than stellar sound quality.  Considering the lack of experience, I don't think it's too bad.


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